What’s Up Millennials? Creating and Keeping Strategic Goals for 2018.
- February 7, 2018
- Posted by: Juan P. Casimiro
- Category: Goals Millenials

What’s Up Millennials?
Creating and Keeping Strategic Goals for 2018:
Set Intentions not Resolutions…
Crucial to all things in life is making a concerted effort to live in the moment. Be present. Don’t go too far out into “left field”. Most people that write down New Year’s resolutions don’t accomplish them. In fact, when a resolution is a thought it almost always don’t get executed. If it’s written down the chances of it being accomplished does increase, however, it’s getting in the habit and mindset of execution daily that allows you to see the results you’re seeking. Be consistent in holding yourself accountable for what you said you wanted to achieve.
Reduce Desperation; Focus on Listening and Direction…
Allow yourself to listen more than you speak. Be vulnerable and taking good advice will certainly give you information to think about and process. Bottom line, when you’re not open to listen or take on advice, the only person you listen to is YOURSELF.
Don’t Overlook the Details…Stay Focused!
For some reason (actually there are plenty of reasons) Millennials have many distractions then past generations. Technology, career options, peer issues, societal pressure, etc. We know too well how taking on so many things at once can overload the brain. Take on one thing at a time and do it well is an advice that I always heard as a teen. Today with a multitude of options and issues anyone can easily get distracted from the goals and the tasks at hand.
Have you ever heard that attention to details resonates with meticulous people? Well, it’s true, but I don’t that’s a bad thing. In fact I encourage you to focus on details that are significant to you, but sweat the small stuff.
Think Bigger! It’s Free Provided that YOU Execute…
One constant concern I hear from friends in Human Resources is that Millennials don’t stay around long enough at a company to accomplish their big dreams or big ideas! Understanding that a person with patience and that allows time to settle, yet evolve into something is a virtue.